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Public School of Religion


“I have come so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”     John 10:10

In Partnership with parents and our parish communities, we strive to educate our youth in grades K-8 (St. Joseph), K-8 (St. Edward), and 1-8 (St. Brigid) to know and understand the basic principles of the Catholic faith, to be an active part of our church community, and to empower our youth to act as disciples of Christ by living a virtuous life and leaning on the sacraments for guidance.


Children of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome! If you are wanting to be a part of our PSR program, please fill out this registration form


If you have any questions, please contact Emily Wellman here.


Catechists (The volunteers who teach our religion classes) are always needed! If you have a love for Jesus and an urge to share your faith, please contact Emily Wellman and we can get you started on the process!


  • All Catechists are required to:

o be active in their Catholic faith

o have a love for Jesus that they want to share with others

o Complete the Safe Environment training and keep their background checks up to date. If are wanting more information on this, click here (


We do many fun things throughout the year to engage our youth in the community, church, and their own spiritual life. Please look at our calendar and monthly newsletters for the dates of these events, PSR out days, family events, sacrament dates, and more!

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St. Brigid Catholic Church, 706 N. Main St., Liberty, IL 62347  |  |  Tel: 217-645-3444

 Office Hours: Tues.- Thurs.  8am-4pm, Friday 8am-12pm

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, 214 S. State Rd., Mendon, IL 62351  |  |  Tel: 217-936-2289

St. Joseph Catholic Church 1435 E. 1500th St.. Quincy, IL 62305  |  |  Tel: 217-434-8442

 Office Hours: Wed. 8am-4pm

Mailing Address: Tri-Parish, P.O. Box 228, Liberty, IL 62347  | |  Tel: 217-645-3444

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