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Vacation Bible School

Our Tri-Parish VBS takes place at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Hall at the end of June (exact dates are determined by April each year). It is Sunday – Thursday from 6-8PM. In our VBS, we have four stations that the children move to throughout the two hours they are with us each night. We have a theme for the year and each station connects to the theme, Bible story, and Bible verse of the day. The Children get to engage in a fun, interactive way and learn about God at the same time!

We are able to make our VBS a free-will donation because of the wonderful support of our parish community! If you are able to help with the VBS supplies and snacks for this year, please contact us or sign up on the sign-up sheet at the back of any of our three churches in May! Thank you!

VBS Registration LINK

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St. Brigid Catholic Church, 706 N. Main St., Liberty, IL 62347  |  |  Tel: 217-645-3444

 Office Hours: Tues.- Thurs.  8am-4pm, Friday 8am-12pm

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, 214 S. State Rd., Mendon, IL 62351  |  |  Tel: 217-936-2289

St. Joseph Catholic Church 1435 E. 1500th St.. Quincy, IL 62305  |  |  Tel: 217-434-8442

 Office Hours: Wed. 8am-4pm

Mailing Address: Tri-Parish, P.O. Box 228, Liberty, IL 62347  | |  Tel: 217-645-3444

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